Mobile In-Buttom Series

Ad Formats Design Iterations


In 2019, advertisers are shifting their budgets from traditional Cover Ads to Bottom Ads because of google's policy which would punished the Cover Ads.

As a local king of inline video Ads, OneAD needs to design our Bottom Ads ASAP chase orcompetitors.


1.Join OneAD's ad format product line and accelerate its product development speed.

2.Develop sticky-in-bottom Ads formats to grabe market share from competitors.


  • Align product team's information, goals, and roadmap by brainstorming.
  • Conduct weekly ideation sessions to generate hi-fi prototypes instead of  develop real F2E for evaluation ideas.
  • Iterations based to sales' and clients' feedback.
  • Adjust UI size by A/B test and measured by superset.


  • Achieve 3X speed for our product rollout.
  • Generated several stick-in-bottm ad format e.g. MIB Classic, Flash, Cube, Gallery, Hit.
  • One of our ad format - MIB Gallery get the highest CTR in OneAD and also help us reach No.1 market share in 2020 Q4.




RD Leader*1
Visual Designer *1

My Role

UIUX Designer





Weekly Focus Group

Ad Formats

MIB Classic

The first MIB ad format, prove feasibility and who much supplier ( media site ) we can get.

▷ Avg CTR 1.22%

MIB Flash

Display a 3 sec cover animation that can avoid punish by google.

▷ Avg CTR 3.43%

MIB Cube

Big Banner Carousel, which user needs to swipe up normal banner first.

▷ Avg CTR 3.60%

MIB Gallery

3D perspective and universal size small banner in the default position. ( → Prototype )

▷ Avg CTR 6.37%

▷ Top - Selling

MIB Hit - Creative Interaction

Implement Lottie.js to enhance H5 animation's performance and make it controllable. ( → Case Study )

▷ Avg CTR 6.02%

Optimizations after release

1. Observe Ad format performance across campaigns by Superset
( )
2. Single Ad format A/B Test by setting several campaign placements.
3. Test ideas by prototypes and evaluate by internal user testing.


1.MIB Gallery's CTR has reached OneAD's history new height. And the impression is the top two of OneAD. ( Top one is MIRT )

Impression of MIRT vs MIB Gallery, prove that MIB Gallery's impression has catch up.

Impression comparison of MIB series. Show that MIB Gallery is make a big lead than others.

2. I had changed OneAD's product design process, become more scientific and can achieve 2X speed with good quality.

My biggest success is I bring design thinking into PM→RD develop SOP. I disassembled complex requirements from other different departments. Become a controller of product design pace, other than a pure passive executor.

3. Constrain

  1. The success of MIB series may have half part due to BD department's convincing huge amount of publishers that N times than competitors. Because of publisher are aware of Cover-like Ads. Besides, we also need Sales to sell our Ad formats.
  2. Although I could control the pace of design and develop, I didn't have enough information and right to affect the big roadmap decision. Sometimes I'm doubt the priority that we put too much effort on develop new feature than just improve present ad format's performance.